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staleTimes is an experimental feature that enables caching of page segments in the client-side router cache.

You can enable this experimental feature and provide custom revalidation times by setting the experimental staleTimes flag:

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
experimental: {
staleTimes: {
dynamic: 30,
static: 180,

module.exports = nextConfig

The static and dynamic properties correspond with the time period (in seconds) based on different types of link prefetching.

  • The dynamic property is used when the page is neither statically generated nor fully prefetched (i.e., with prefetch=).
    • Default: 0 seconds (not cached)
  • The static property is used for statically generated pages, or when the prefetch prop on Link is set to true, or when calling router.prefetch.
    • Default: 5 minutes

Good to know:

  • Loading boundaries are considered reusable for the static period defined in this configuration.
  • This doesn't affect partial rendering, meaning shared layouts won't automatically be refetched on every navigation, only the page segment that changes.
  • This doesn't change back/forward caching behavior to prevent layout shift and to prevent losing the browser scroll position.

You can learn more about the Client Router Cache here.

Version History​

v15.0.0The dynamic staleTime default changed from 30s to 0s
v14.2.0experimental staleTimes introduced