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Partial Prerendering (PPR) enables you to combine static and dynamic components together in the same route. Learn more about PPR.

Using Partial Prerendering​

Incremental Adoption (Version 15)​

In Next.js 15, you can incrementally adopt Partial Prerendering in layouts and pages by setting the ppr option in next.config.js to incremental, and exporting the experimental_ppr route config option at the top of the file:

import type { NextConfig } from 'next'

const nextConfig: NextConfig = {
experimental: {
ppr: 'incremental',

export default nextConfig
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
experimental: {
ppr: 'incremental',

module.exports = nextConfig
import { Suspense } from "react"
import { StaticComponent, DynamicComponent, Fallback } from "@/app/ui"

export const experimental_ppr = true

export default function Page() {
return {
<StaticComponent />
<Suspense fallback={<Fallback />}>
<DynamicComponent />
import { Suspense } from "react"
import { StaticComponent, DynamicComponent, Fallback } from "@/app/ui"

export const experimental_ppr = true

export default function Page() {
return {
<StaticComponent />
<Suspense fallback={<Fallback />}>
<DynamicComponent />

Good to know:

  • Routes that don't have experimental_ppr will default to false and will not be prerendered using PPR. You need to explicitly opt-in to PPR for each route.
  • experimental_ppr will apply to all children of the route segment, including nested layouts and pages. You don't have to add it to every file, only the top segment of a route.
  • To disable PPR for children segments, you can set experimental_ppr to false in the child segment.

Enabling PPR (Version 14)​

For version 14, you can enable it by adding the ppr option to your next.config.js file. This will apply to all routes in your application:

import type { NextConfig } from 'next'

const nextConfig: NextConfig = {
experimental: {
ppr: true,

export default nextConfig
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
experimental: {
ppr: true,

module.exports = nextConfig
v15.0.0incremental value introduced
v14.0.0experimental ppr introduced