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Nested Middleware

Why This Error Occurred​

You are defining a Middleware file in a location different from <root>/middleware, which is not allowed.

While in beta, a Middleware file under specific pages would only be executed when pages below its declaration were matched, allowing nesting Middleware files. Based on customer feedback, we have replaced this API with a single root Middleware.

Possible Ways to Fix It​

Declare your Middleware in the root folder and use NextRequest parsed URL to define which path the Middleware should be executed for.

For example, a Middleware at pages/about/_middleware.ts can move the logic to <root>/middleware.ts in the root of your repository. Then, a conditional statement can be used to only run the Middleware when it matches the about/* path:

import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server'

export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
if (request.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/about')) {
// This logic is only applied to /about

if (request.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/dashboard')) {
// This logic is only applied to /dashboard

If you have more than one Middleware, you should combine them into a single file and model their execution depending on the incoming request.