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The default.js file is used to render a fallback within Parallel Routes when Next.js cannot recover a slot's active state after a full-page load.

During soft navigation, Next.js keeps track of the active state (subpage) for each slot. However, for hard navigations (full-page load), Next.js cannot recover the active state. In this case, a default.js file can be rendered for subpages that don't match the current URL.

Consider the following folder structure. The @team slot has a settings page, but @analytics does not.

When navigating to /settings, the @team slot will render the settings page while maintaining the currently active page for the @analytics slot.

On refresh, Next.js will render a default.js for @analytics. If default.js doesn't exist, a 404 is rendered instead.

Additionally, since children is an implicit slot, you also need to create a default.js file to render a fallback for children when Next.js cannot recover the active state of the parent page.


params (optional)​

An object containing the dynamic route parameters from the root segment down to the slot's subpages. For example:

app/[artist]/@sidebar/default.js/zack{ artist: 'zack' }
app/[artist]/[album]/@sidebar/default.js/zack/next{ artist: 'zack', album: 'next' }